Making The Holidays Sweet In Your Candy Department: Three Festive Display Options

Posted on: 12 December 2017

Before the holiday season begins, you may want to consider creating custom displays for your store's candy department. This brings a festive feel to your store, and it can also encourage a bit of extra holiday spending. Here are some happy holiday ideas to consider as you play your holiday displays.

Jolly Giving Trees

Offer a different special every day by having custom advent trees created for your candy department. Each of these jolly giving trees should have 25 compartments with cardboard doors, which will be used to count down the days until Christmas. There should also be shelves either on the display or next to it to display the candy specials. At the beginning of each day, reveal the candy special behind one door, and stock the shelves with the candy designated for that day. Each candy should be on sale for one day. This gives customers a reason to come back to your store more often. Some options to include in your daily specials might be peppermint sticks, small boxes of chocolates, or Santa Claus lollipops. Choose products that can be placed into stocking stuffers, and consider placing your advent trees near the checkout lanes.

Santa's Sleigh Ride

If you have a lot of any one type of candy or sweet, consider displaying it in a custom Santa sleigh. The actual sleigh portion of this cardboard display can be used to hold bulk amounts of products, which can be switched out weekly for different sales. Complete this display with cardboard cutouts of reindeer, and rent a Santa statue to place in or behind the sleigh. If your store will be offering pictures with Santa, you can also use the sleigh as part of a backdrop for the photos.

Stockings Hung By The Chimney With Care

Choose an end cap for this display, and remove some of the upper shelves to make room for a custom holiday setup. Leave lower shelves in place so they can be used to merchandise product, and have a custom cardboard fireplace created for your store. Hang real stockings from the mantel, and place a few products from the display inside each stocking so they can be seen. You may need to stuff the stockings with tissue paper or cardboard to ensure your products are visible. Stock your shelves with the rest of the candy you are promoting, and have a custom sign created to indicate prices and products included in the promotion. Boxes of candy canes or chocolate Santas are perfect for this display option. For an added finishing touch, consider purchasing small storybooks with Christmas themes, and stack them on top of the mantle. Offer them as a gift with purchase, which gives secret Santa shoppers an extra little goody to stick in stockings on Christmas Eve.

Getting your store's candy department ready for the holidays can be a lot of fun. Use these ideas, or come up with some creative ideas of your own to deck your halls and have a merry holiday. Contact a company, like Northwest Paper Box MFRS INC, for more help.
